
Eminaga, O.; Saad, F.; Tian, Z.; Wolffgang, U.; Karakiewicz, P. I.; Azzi, F.; Spieker, T.; Helmke, B. M.; Graefen, M.; Jiang, X.; Xing, L.; Witt, J. H.; Trudel, D.; Leyh-Bannurah, S.-R.: Artificial Intelligence Unravels Interpretable Malignancy Grades of Prostate Cancer on Histology Images npj Imaging, March, 2024.
Eminaga, O.; Saad, F.; Tian, Z.; Wolffgang, U.; Karakiewicz, P. I.; Ouelett, V.; Azzi, F.; Spieker, T.; Helmke, B. M.; Graefen, M.; Jiang, X.; Xing, L.; Witt, J. H.; Trudel, D.; Leyh-Bannurah, S.-R.: Artificial Intelligence Helps to Predict Recurrence and Mortality for Prostate Cancer Using Histology Images July, 2023.
Leyh-Bannurah, S.-R.; Wolffgang, U.; Schmitz, J.; Ouelett, V.; Azzi, F.; Tian, Z.; Helmke, B.; Graefen, M.; Budäus, L.; Karakiewicz, P.I.; Trudel, D.; Saad, F.: State-of-the-art weakly supervised automated classification of prostate cancer tissue microarrays via deep learning: Can sufficient accuracy be achieved without manual patch level annotation? Journal of Urology Supplements, May 2020.
Leyh-Bannurah, S.-R.; Wolffgang, U.; Schmitz, J.; Ouelett, V.; Azzi, F.; Tian, Z.; Helmke, B.; Graefen, M.; Budäus, L.; Karakiewicz, P.I.; Trudel, D.; Saad, F.: State-of-the-art weakly supervised automated classification of prostate cancer tissue microarrays via deep learning: Can sufficient accuracy be achieved without manual patch level annotation? European Urology Supplements, March 2020.
Leyh-Bannurah, S.-R.; Tian, Z.; Karakiewicz, P.I.; Wolffgang, U.; Sauter, G.; Fisch, M.; Pehrke, D.; Huland, H.; Graefen, M.; Budäus, L.: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing in Urology: State-of-the-Art Automated Extraction of Detailed Pathologic Prostate Cancer Data From Narratively Written Electronic Health Records. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, Issue 2. [bib]
Leyh-Bannurah, S.-R.; Tian, Z.; Karakiewicz, P.I.; Wolffgang, U.; Pehrke, D.; Fisch, M.; Huland, H.; Graefen, M.; Budäus, L.: MP70-01 STATE-OF-THE-ART AUTOMATED EXTRACTION OF DETAILED PATHOLOGICAL DATA FROM NARRATIVELY WRITTEN ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS. The Journal of Urology, Volume 199, Issue 4, e934. [bib]
Leyh-Bannurah, S.-R.; Tian, Z.; Karakiewicz, P.I.; Wolffgang, U.; Pehrke, D.; Fisch, M.; Huland, H.; Graefen, M.; Budäus, L.: State-of-the-art automated extraction of detailed pathological data from narratively written electronic health records. European Urology Supplements 17(2):e1209, March 2018. [bib]
Wolffgang, U.: A Multi-Agent Non-Stochastic Economic Simulator. Proc. of the 21st Int. Conf. on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2015), June 2015. [pdf, bib, repo]
Heitkötter, H.; Majchrzak, T. A.; Wolffgang, U.; Kuchen, H.: Business Apps: Grundlagen und Status quo. Working Papers des Förderkreis der Angewandten Informatik an der WWU Münster e. V., Nr. 4, Münster (2012). [pdf, bib]
Wolffgang, U.: Multi-Platform Model-Driven Software Development of Web Applications. Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2011), INSTICC Press, July 2011, S. 162-171. [pdf, bib]
Wolffgang, U.: Ein Generator-Framework zur modellgetriebenen Entwicklung von Web-Applikationen. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK & MANAGEMENT (2010), Nr. 6, December, S. 26-34. [bib]
Wolffgang, U.: Web Application Specification Language (WASL) Technical Report 1.0. (2009), Technical Report. [pdf, bib, metamodels]
Wolffgang, U.; Kuchen, H.: Web Application Modeling Language. (2008), Technical Report. [pdf, bib]


Wolffgang, U.: Modellgetriebene Entwicklung daten- und prozessbasierter Webapplikationen. (2012), Dissertation Thesis, urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-40459358770, University of Münster. [pdf, bib]
Wolffgang, U.: Modellgetriebene Entwicklung von Webapplikationen. (2008), Diploma Thesis, urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-54589454151, University of Münster. [pdf, bib]


ProLeap ANTLR4-based parser for COBOL

Development of the ANTLR4 grammar and parser for the programming language COBOL in the ANTLR4 open source project.

The parser passes the NIST COBOL test suite and has been applied by legacy modernization companies for parsing COBOL source code.

ProLeap ANTLR4-based parser for Visual Basic 6.0

Development of the ANTLR4 grammar and parser for the programming language Visual Basic 6.0 in the ANTLR4 open source project.

The grammar is applied at core of the Rubberduck VBA project, which enables unit testing, refactoring and code inspection in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).

Agent-based computational economy

Development of an agent-based computational economics simulator, which implements an Arrow-Debreu-like general equilibrium model based on agent types household, factory, trader, credit bank, central bank and state.

Presented at 21st Int. Conf. on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2015), June 20-22, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.